Business cards create an impression of your business and the services you provide. It is the easiest way to impact your customers without too much effort. Therefore, it is advised to choose the information very wisely. The choice of design and your card style will reflect the personality of your business.
Want to add a feel to your business cards? Telepathic Graphics offers a wide range of paper to choose from. Print on a soft touch paper to add a luxury feel or pick ultra-thick paper stock for durability. Give it a matte finish, add texture or get a glossy finish. Get creative and create your own experience for your customers.
The standard 3.5"x2" cards have the most frequent use. Standard business cards fit all the necessary information and are easy to carry. Their edges can be round shaped to add a different experience and classic look. However, square business cards set them apart by their unique look. They are mostly used as business or product tags.
Experience our in-house graphic designing services. From design to print, we do all for you.
Foil accent and embossing let you stand out amongst standard business cards. Adding foil to your logos and prominent text can provide a premium experience for customers. Not only did the card look professional but also creates an eye-catching look.
Telepathic Graphics is an award winning, full service print shop serving North Carolina. Whether you are a first-timer or one of the many existing customers that have trusted us for many years, every single project is given the personal attention it deserves. Let us show you the Telepathic difference!
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